Political Analysis : Iran, Afghanistan and Nuclear Weapons

 In Part 5 of this 6 part RO series look­ing at the his­tory of Iran-US rela­tions, Iran’s role in the afghan occu­pa­tion and its nuclear pro­gramme analysed
The Amer­i­can mil­i­tary oper­a­tion “Endur­ing Free­dom” removed the Tal­iban from all posi­tions of power in Afghanistan. There­after, through its agent Hamid Karzai – who dur­ing the Soviet occu­pa­tion of Afghanistan had worked for the CIA [1] – Amer­ica installed a new polit­i­cal struc­ture that could be con­trolled from Wash­ing­ton and would be loyal to Amer­i­can interests.
One of the first Amer­i­cans polit­i­cal manoeu­vres with regard to Afghanistan was the orga­ni­za­tion of the Bonn Con­fer­ence dur­ing Decem­ber 2001. Through this con­fer­ence Amer­ica wanted to gather sup­port amongst the var­i­ous local Afghan fac­tions and inter­na­tional play­ers for the Afghan tran­si­tional gov­ern­ment estab­lished by Amer­ica. Accord­ing to James Dob­bins, the chief Amer­i­can nego­tia­tor dur­ing this con­fer­ence, Iran real­ized for Amer­ica “the final break­through with­out which the Karzai gov­ern­ment might never have been formed”. There­after Iran sup­ported the sta­bi­liza­tion of Afghanistan through eco­nomic aid. From 2002 until 2007 it spent around $560 mil­lion to estab­lish schools, roads, water purifi­ca­tion sta­tions and other infra­struc­ture projects. It has remained an impor­tant player on the inter­na­tional scene, par­tic­i­pat­ing in all major inter­na­tional con­fer­ences on Afghanistan orga­nized by Amer­ica, such as the Lon­don Con­fer­ence of 2006, the Hague Con­fer­ence of 2009 and the Bonn Con­fer­ence of 2011. More recently Iran also sup­ported the Amer­i­can plan to have Karzai nego­ti­ate with the Tal­iban. [2]
The Iran­ian ambas­sador to Afghanistan Muham­mad Reza Bahrami explained his coun­tries actions: “Our strat­egy in Afghanistan is based on secu­rity, sta­bil­ity and devel­op­ing a strong cen­tral gov­ern­ment”. [3] In other words, just as was the case for Iraq, the Iran­ian pol­icy vis-à-vis Afghanistan too is in per­fect align­ment with the Amer­i­can pol­icy, to the extent it serves as an exten­sion of the Amer­i­can policy.
The most recent devel­op­ment in the rela­tion­ship between Afghanistan and Amer­ica, the so-called Bilat­eral Secu­rity Agree­ment (BSA) which will give Amer­ica a for­mal right to main­tain thou­sands of sol­diers in Afghanistan on bases scat­tered across the coun­try, has pro­vided fur­ther proof that Iran sup­port the Amer­ica in Afghanistan. The Iran­ian ambas­sador to Afghanistan Muham­mad Reza Bahrami said regard­ing the BSA:“it’s the gen­uine right of Afghanistan to pre­serve its national inter­ests and sign an agree­ment with another coun­try, and we won’t inter­fere with it, because it’s the inter­nal affairs of Afghanistan”. [4] His descrip­tion of the BSA as “the inter­nal affairs of Afghanistan” is an attempt a manip­u­lat­ing pub­lic opin­ion regard­ing the treaty. The sta­tion­ing of thou­sands of Amer­i­can troops in Afghanistan indef­i­nitely, sup­ported by drones, will have far reach­ing con­se­quence for all coun­tries in the region, namely, because it will give the Amer­i­can mil­i­tary the abil­ity to project power across the region. This is so obvi­ous that the Iran­ian ambassador’s denial of this fact can only be explained as an attempt to hide it.
The Nuclear Issue
The Zion­ist occu­pa­tion state wants to pre­vent the coun­tries in her sur­round­ing from acquir­ing nuclear weapons. A Zion­ist gen­eral once explained this pil­lar of the Zion­ist pol­icy: “Most Israelis would pre­fer not to live here; most Jews would pre­fer not to come here with fam­i­lies, and Israelis who can live abroad will (if a sur­round­ing coun­try would get nuclear weapons)”. [5] Because of this pol­icy the Zion­ist state has in the past under­taken var­i­ous mil­i­tary oper­a­tions in the Mus­lim world. For exam­ple, through Oper­a­tion Opera on the 7th of June 1981 it attacked Sad­dam Hus­sein nuclear facil­i­ties in Iraq, and in 2007 it attacked var­i­ous facil­i­ties in Syria.
In 2003 an Iran­ian dis­si­dent liv­ing in Amer­ica pre­sented infor­ma­tion about Iran’s nuclear activ­i­ties that caused upheaval across the globe. In response, Great-Britain, France and Ger­many (the “EU-3”) began polit­i­cal actions to make Iran halt all of its nuclear activ­ity. In both 2003 and 2004 the EU-3 and Iran came to agree­ments on the mat­ter, but on the ground these agree­ments did not lead to the out­comes desired by theEU-3. In 2006 Amer­ica there­fore offered to sup­port EU-3 in its nego­ti­a­tions with Iran. There­after the topic of sanc­tions came to the table. [6]
At the same time Amer­ica pro­tected Iran against an attack on her nuclear facil­i­ties by the Zion­ist occu­pa­tion state. [7] Recently the chief-of-staff of the Amer­i­can mil­i­tary, Gen­eral Mar­tin Dempsey, and the chief-of-staff of the Amer­i­can air force, Gen­eral Mark Welch, trav­elled to the Zion­ist occu­pa­tion state to ensure the Zion­ists would not do any­thing rash such as a mil­i­tary attack on Iran. [8]
There­fore on the one hand Amer­ica can be seen to threaten Iran over its nuclear ambi­tions, while on the other it pro­tects it. The mean­ing of this is that Amer­ica wants Iran’s nuclear ambi­tions to exist under its con­trol, such that these ambi­tions will serve the Amer­i­can plans for the Mid­dle East. The Iran­ian “nuclear threat” is keep­ing the Euro­peans pre-occupied polit­i­cally, lim­it­ing their abil­ity to develop and exe­cute polit­i­cal actions against Amer­ica else­where. And it deeply fright­ens the coun­tries of the Gulf, which makes them more sus­cep­ti­ble to Amer­ica manip­u­la­tion and moti­vates them to spend bil­lions of dol­lars on Amer­i­can weapons and other mil­i­tary supplies.

[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hamid_Karzai
[2] “Iran’s pol­icy on Afghanistan: The Evo­lu­tion of Strate­gic Prag­ma­tism”, Bruce Koepke, 2013,http://books.sipri.org/files/misc/SIPRI13WCABK.pdf
[3] “Iran Is Seek­ing More Influ­ence in Afghanistan”, The New York Times, 27 Decem­ber 2006,www.nytimes.com/2006/12/27/world/asia/27afghan.ready.html?pagewanted=all&_r=0
[4] “Iran­ian Envoy Sup­ports Afghan Right to BSA, With Reser­va­tions”, Tolonews, 20 novem­ber 2013,www.tolonews.com/en/afghanistan/12802-iranian-envoy-supports-afghan-right-to-bsa-with-reservations
[6] “Still Jews only”, Jonathan Cook, http://weekly.ahram.org.eg/2006/824/op12.htm
[7] “Iran: U.S. Con­cerns and Pol­icy Responses”, Ken­neth Katz­man, Con­gres­sional Research Ser­vice, 4 Novem­ber 2013, www.fas.org/sgp/crs/mideast/RL32048.pdf
[8] “War and Bluff: Iran, Israel and the United States”, George Fried­man, STRATFOR, 11 Sep­tem­ber 2012, www.stratfor.com/weekly/war-and-bluff-iran-israel-and-united-states